Combining Bandwidth, or and Load Balancing of two Internet connections.
It is not a secret (and not necessarily a bad thing) that most of us are possessed with Speed. The fastest Car, the fastest Video for game, the fastest hard Drive, and now the fastest Internet download.
With the availability of many Internet connections a lot of people might have two broadband connections available, or Broadband + Dialup connection, or other combinations. One of the first thing that comes into their mind is: Can I combine the two connections and get a faster Download of flies and media?
First let clarify that we are talking about two independent connections. Some people try to put two modems on one DSL line, or two modems on one Cable Internet account.
It does not work this way. If by a mere “fluke” some thing is wrong with the ISP authentication system and it does work, it is illegal to do so and the ISP will caught you very fast.
So you have two independent legal Broadband accounts (can be two DSL two Cable or one of each.)
There are two terms that might be associated with using two independent Internet connections.
1. Combining Bandwidth.
2. Load Balancing two connections.
Let assume that you have two 3Mb/sec. connections each capable to download at 300KB/sec.
With Combined Bandwidth you should be able to download one file at 600KB/sec.
With Load Balancing one single file will not exceed download speed of 300KB/sec. However you can download 2 files at 300KB/sec. or 4 files at 150KB/sec. etc.
Unfortunately Combining Bandwidth can not be done without the ISP providing such a specific service.
Computers are Not mind readers. If the two connections are not synchronized at the source your computer would know how to combine it to a coherent page.
Any if and but about it is just Wishful thinking.
The price of such a service (if available) is usually much more expensive than upgrading your connection from the basic service to a faster business or corporate service.
If you do have two independent services you can achieve Load Balancing by using a Dual WAN Router.
This type of Cable/DSL Routers have two WAN connections for two Broadband Modems and they would mange the Internet traffic to the LAN to be used in the most efficient way.
taken from
ForceBindIP is a freeware Windows application that will inject itself into another application and alter how certain Windows Sockets calls are made, allowing you to force the other application to use a specific network interface / IP address. This is useful if you are in an environment with multiple interfaces and your application has no such option for binding to a specific interface. ForceBindIP works in two stages - the loader, ForceBindIP.exe will load the target application in a suspended state. It will then inject a DLL (BindIP.dll) which loads WS2_32.DLL into memory and intercepts the bind(), connect(), sendto(), WSAConnect() and WSASendTo() functions, redirecting them to code in the DLL which verifies which interface they will be bound to and if not the one specified, (re)binds the socket. Once the function intercepts are complete, the target application is resumed. Note that some applications with anti-debugger / injection techniques may not work correctly when an injected DLL is present; for the vast majority of applications though this technique should work fine. As of version 1.2, all known functions in WS2_32.DLL that either explicitly or implicitly bind to an interface are intercepted. Please note however that certain programs may still end up using the default interface if they implement connections that do not use the standard winsock functions.